Cape holiday rentals during the last season

Rentals, on a whole have not performed at an entirely satisfactory level this last holiday season according to DG Rentals. Bookings were generally down from last year, and the trend seemed to be, fewer days were being booked than usual. Some holiday owners reduced their daily rates in order to secure bookings and the overall picture was that holiday makers, to a large extent were dictating the rates this year more than the home owners.

With that said, some remarkable rentals were facilitated by DG Rentals, and we saw some of our top properties being rented out over the season. "Our view is that holiday makers and the International guests who would normally book over this period are in fact postponing their trips until the World Cup. We expect an escalation in bookings from February onwards", says Odette Maartens, Manager of the rentals division.

DG Rentals is optimistic and excited about the World Cup. There are new wonderful properties being added to our books on a daily basis which can be viewed on our websites www.dgrentals.com and www.capetown365.com. We expect that the entire Atlantic Seaboard from the Waterfront through to Camps Bay will be prime rental locations. Our top of the range properties can be found in Clifton, Fresnaye and Bantry Bay and these have a price tag on them from between R30,000 and R100,000 per day.

We have secured some bookings for the World Cup already, including for the Australian Broadcasting Team that will be staying in Cape Town for over a month. Although DG Rentals embraces new properties and the excitement of preparing the world for luxury, comfortable and affordable accommodation, we do urge home owners not to get caught up in the sensationalist hype of what one can fetch for providing accommodation.

We as South Africans must remember, that although there may be a handful of "Super Deals" for housing requirements over the World Cup, we are essentially offering a service and should not become unrealistic in terms of the prices that can be charged.

01 Feb 2010
Author Business Day Homefront, Cape News
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