Graham Cowburn

Full Status Agent

Full Status Agent

Registered with the PPRA - FFC No. 1053583

Graham Cowburn has been a resident on the Atlantic Seaboard for 47 years. Through higher education, he has resided in both Sea Point and Green Point his entire life. Graham has firmly entrenched his roots in the area and is in constant contact with influential people including developers. He firmly believes that this slice of the Atlantic Seaboard is the area to purchase in and has successfully sold new developments and resales in numerous sectional title complexes. Atlantic Seaboard is one of the most consistent areas in the country where everyone wants to be and the lack of area space has seen the property prices constantly escalate. Graham owns 3 investment properties on the Atlantic Seaboard and is thoroughly knowledgeable on market research and all too familiar on the amazing attributes the area has to offer in general.

Graham feels that living on the Atlantic Seaboard and being in such close proximity of all major infrastructure and amenities has definitely influenced demand and we are seeing properties selling in a shorter amount of time if priced and marketed correctly. Whether he is prepping a property for sale or finding his client the perfect home, his dedication, empathy and acumen make for a smooth and joyful client journey.

Graham enjoys cooking, candle making, cycling, socializing and travelling.

M: 082 421 6764